We hope you are well. we are offering you an opportunity to get your home cellar valued.
Since everyone is at home, many people are going through their wine collection at home wondering what it is worth.
If you take a photo or a video of your wine collection, our wine research team will document it for you and do a full cellar valuation. Absolutely free!
Just email us your photos or videos, making sure you capture the full picture of the label, back and front is good if possible. Our team will send you a link with your whole cellar documented. It will come in handy if you ever want to sell your collection.
If you have any friends who have private wine cellars/collections at home, please share this email or the video below with them as we are also offering it to non clients as a fun way to reach out to people in this current situation. No charge!
Please stay safe during these uncertain times and know that your fine wine portfolio is safe and sound and in good standing.