New Customer Profile

Thank you for all your feedback on the customer profile.

We hope you like the changes!

You can check your wine portfolio in different currencies too. You can change the currency to Euro or USD in the drop down box.
You can see all the wines that you have for sale in your Wines For Sale tab.
You can update your information at My Profile section.

We have made some major improvements to the customer login section of our website to make things easier to navigate around your portfolio.

The sub headers when you login have been improved to enhance your experience.

  • Current Portfolio – All the wines you currently hold in your investment portfolio.
  • Wines for Sale – Any wines that you add for sale from your current portfolio will appear here.
  • Profile – Change all your contact info here, we have made it much smoother and easier to update your details.
  • Unpaid Invoices – So you can see any storage outstanding. You can click on each invoice and go into more detail to find out whats outstanding.
  • Paid Invoices – Need to pick up an old invoice you paid, or look at what storage bills you paid in the past. You can find them all here.
  • Wine Sold – Any wines that you sell will appear here so its separated when you have received the funds from your wine sale. Unlike before it was mixed in with wines for sale.
  • My Product reviews – If you wish to review any wines and keep a record.
  • My Tags – Any wines you want to keep a track of will be listed here.
  • My Points and rewards – Points are collected when you buy something and you can give points to friends or use them to deduct from your next invoice.
You can see which invoices are outstanding in the Unpaid Invoices tab.
In the Paid Invoices tab, you can see all the invoices that have been billed to you before.

We’ve made these changes to improve your user experience as a wine investor. If you feel there could be better improvements to help you please feel free to submit a request ticket for improvements:

Click for the Feedback Form.
Send an email to

You can keep tab of all the wines that you have sold before in My Wines Sold tab.
For all wine lovers, you can always feel free to add a product review to any wines that you love and share with friends at the My Product Reviews tab.
To appreciate your continuous support, feel free to check out your investment points earned in My Points and Rewards tab.

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